Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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Fifth Child Born at Home, Sisters Watching

Content Warning: This page contains graphic images of childbirth, including sensitive and medically detailed photos. Viewer discretion is advised. These images are for educational purposes only and must not be reproduced, shared, or distributed without permission.

Relaxing Through Active Labor

Mother relaxes through active labor while three of her four daughters sleep (as well as the dog!).

Moving to the Hot Tub

Mother moves into the hot tub as she feels things are picking up quickly… this is about two hours before delivery. Father stays by her side, remaining a constant emotional support. For most of active labor and transition, mother and father are left alone… mother prefers it that way.

Entering Transition

You would never know from looking at her face that her mother is entering transition.

Monitoring the Baby

The midwife checks the baby’s heart tones between contractions during transition.

The last few Contractions Before Pushing

One of the last few contractions before she begins to push, father is her strength as she surrenders herself to the labor.

Preparing for the Birth

The children begin to make their way outside, knowing their mother will start pushing soon. They are excited about the new baby that’s about to be here!

The Pushing Phase

Mother takes her shorts off quickly, and her grip on father’s hands tightens as her brow furrows and she begins to become an active participant again… pushing with the contraction. All four girls watch with excitement.

Crowning and Delivery

After only a few pushes, the baby’s head begins to crown.

Absolutely silent except for the breeze blowing through the patio screens, Mother begins to feel the head emerge. The look on her face shows the effort and the intense concentration she has while pushing.

Mother reaches down and gently guides the baby’s head out into her hands. She takes a moment to feel the baby’s head… to explore the features…

As the shoulders become free, she reaches under the baby’s arms while the baby is still inside of her from the waist down.

A new soul is born into this world, gently lifted out of the water by mother’s hands and into mother’s arms.

Meeting the New Baby

While preparing to take the first breath, mother and baby take a moment to officially meet.

The baby isn’t crying… so the midwife quickly checks to make sure the cord is still pulsing blood and oxygen to the baby. It is… and the baby is pink and healthy (just don’t see a reason to cry right now!). While the midwife checks the cord, the mother sneaks a peek between the baby’s legs. She looks up at Father… “It’s a boy it’s a boy it’s a boy it’s a boy…” Father looks stunned… “You’re kidding!” After four girls, their first son is born.

The Sisters Welcome Their Brother

The sisters meet with happiness with their newest baby brother. (The three-year-old later says, “I was tired of girls.”)

First Feeding and Bonding

Baby looks up at mother while enjoying his first meal. Big sister pats mother on the back and tells her that she’s proud of her.

Choosing a Name

They were so used to girls, they hadn’t picked a name! Father gets the list and they choose the baby’s name while mother and baby cuddle.

Cutting the Cord

Forty-five minutes after birth, the big sister cuts the umbilical cord, and the baby is handed to the father. Father finally holds and meets his son who looks up at him with very alert eyes.

Recovery and Rest

Finally mother decides that it’s time to get out of the tub. Only an hour and a half after delivery, she walks to the bathroom for a shower.

A Loved New Arrival

This boy is going to have a lot of love in his life! Happy birthday…!