Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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A Hospital Delivery Without Pain Medication

Content Warning: This page contains images of childbirth. Viewer discretion is advised. These images are for educational purposes only and must not be reproduced, shared, or distributed without permission.

Preparing for Baby’s Arrival

Having been induced with her first child, mom became nervous as her due date of June 30th came closer, fearing that she might need to be induced again. Surprisingly, her membranes rupture at 3:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 27th. Mom calls her mother-in-law for support and to tell her that another grandbaby is on its way!

Early Labor Begins

She doesn’t feel her first contraction until 4:26 a.m. The doctor is called at 5:30 a.m. and he says to head on in to the hospital. Contractions are now coming every 3-7 minutes. Mom and Dad arrive at the hospital at 6 a.m. and meet their RN (who is a neighbor).

She takes them to one of the largest rooms and hooks mom up to the fetal monitor to check the contractions and the baby’s tolerance.

Progressing in Labor

Mom guesses that she is probably 2-3 cm because the contractions aren’t that bad… she can still talk through them.

She is at 6 cm!! She is so pleased to hear that. The nurse calls the doctor because she has a feeling things are going to go pretty quickly.

Coping with Contractions

At this point, mom moves out of the bed…and onto the birth ball.

Mom says that she feels ridiculous on the birth ball…but it seems to help her to be able to cope with the contractions…

and it feels really good.

She stays on for 4-5 contractions, then decides she wants to get back into the bed.

Her husband is a great source of comfort.

Intensity Increases

At this point, labor begins to pick up.

Mom starts experiencing “back labor.”

The RN helps mom out of bed to see if standing through a few contractions can help with the back labor. Immediately, labor becomes “unbearable.” Mom begins to have an urge to push, although she knows she’s not yet fully dilated. She requests some Nubain, but the nurse can help her regain focus and mom ends up not getting any pain medication. Later she is really happy that pain medications were not given.

Transition and the Urge to Push

Mom tells them that she has the urge to push and she’s helped back into bed.

The doctor arrives at 8:00 a.m. and mom is checked and found to be 8 cm!

The urge to push slowly becomes stronger and stronger until Mom says she can no longer hold back.

Time to Push

At 8:40 a.m. mom is checked again…COMPLETE! She can finally give in to that urge she’s been feeling. Stirrups are brought out.

Mom begins pushing.

Mom pushes with great strength for 5-6 pushes in 25 minutes.

Just minutes before her baby is going to enter the world.

Welcoming Baby Camryn

The final contraction.

Mom pushes with all of her strength as her baby begins to enter the world.

The head is out! Dad looks at his new baby’s face for the first time with amazement as the room is filled with joy and enthusiasm.

Dad kisses Mom while the doctor makes sure there isn’t a cord around the baby’s neck.

Mom throws her head back instinctively (as most unmedicated moms will during the birth of the baby’s body) and a new soul enters the world.

Baby is put immediately onto mom’s chest and mom and dad marvel at their newest family member.

Post-Birth Moments

Mom pushes one final time to birth the placenta while holding her new baby.

“We did it!” Mom shows off her newborn.

“Can you believe this is her…this is our little Camryn..”

Mom relaxes with her daughter.

The placenta…the nurse holds the amniotic sac and you can see how the baby was held in it for 9 months.

Mom remains holding her newborn while the doctor repairs the 2nd-degree tear she received.

Celebrating Baby Camryn

Quiet moments after birth.

Mom poses with four of her girlfriends who were present for the birth.

The nurse shows off Camryn.

Baby’s head circumference is taken…her APGARs are 9 and 9.

Daddy holds his daughter.

Baby gets her first meal.

Proud papa…

…and a beautiful family.

Grandpa brings in Big Brother to meet his baby sister for the first time.

Mom is amazed at how much her belly has NOT gone down by the next day…that will take time.