Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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A Hospital Delivery with an Epidural

Preparing for Baby’s Arrival

Mom, an epidural already in place, smiles for the camera while waiting for their baby to be born.

Labor Progresses

Mom is completely dilated and, even though she has an epidural, is in quite a bit of pain.

Offering Comfort and Support

Dad tries to comfort mom.

Mom tries to cope with the pain of the contractions while Dad, not sure what to do, stands stroking her leg.

Preparing for Delivery

The nurse and dad hold Mom’s legs up so that the doctor can break the bed down in preparation for delivery.

The doctor gets the footplates out.

The Final Push

Mom starts pushing and after one final push, the head is born.

The anterior shoulder is pulled free…

Mom looks down and Dad smiles with tears as his child is born.

Welcoming Their Baby Boy

It’s a boy!

The doctor clamps the cord…

…and Dad cuts the cord.

First Moments with Baby

Mom is handed her brand new son and they both marvel over him.

While mom and baby get to know each other, the doctor and nurse gather cord blood for donation.

Delivering the Placenta

A gush of blood and a placenta is birthed.

The doctor holds the placenta up for Mom and Dad to see.

Baby’s First Measurements and Care

Baby’s length is taken and he is weighed…exactly 7 pounds.

Eye ointment is administered. And a vitamin K shot is given. Baby is not happy with either one of these interventions.

Family Bonding

Big Brother arrives to meet the newest family member. All together for the first time…and everything seems right. Big brother holds his little brother and smiles…looks like they are going to be friends for a long time.