Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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A First Child Delivered at a Naval Hospital

Beginning to Push

Dad holds Mom’s leg as she begins pushing, and the nurse stands next to Mom as the midwife helps a student with his first delivery.

Baby’s Arrival

The first peek of the baby’s head over mom’s belly as the body is birthed. And the student slowly pulls the baby out and tries to get a good grip on the baby before handing it to mom.

The baby is placed on the mom’s belly.

Encouraging Baby’s First Cry

Mom comments that the baby isn’t crying very much. The midwife then does something that shocks all in the room… she pulls up the blanket that is covering the baby, and she strikes him 3 times hard, slapping him on his bottom. Dad appears startled that she is hitting his son.

Baby begins to wail, and mom says, “He didn’t like that very much!” Midwife begins to laugh at the baby crying while dad returns his attention and affections to his wife.

Cutting the Cord

Dad is handed scissors…

…and Dad cuts the cord that supported this little life for 9 months.

A Touching Gesture

One of the nurses (seen in the background with her arm outstretched) came into the room and sang Happy Birthday to the baby. Mom later recalls how touching it was and how much this simple gesture meant to her.

Delivering the Placenta

Dad goes to the nursery with the baby while mom births the placenta. Here the midwife applies fundal pressure.

It’s the student’s turn to apply fundal pressure.

Examining the Placenta

Dad enters as the placenta is birthed, leaving the baby in the nursery. Dad, midwife, and student examine the placenta.

Reuniting with Baby

A happy mom and her baby are reunited and love each other…