A 47-Hour Unmedicated Hospital Birth with a Doula
March 20, 2025
Waiting for the Doctor

Mom is already dilated to 10 cm, but they can’t seem to find the physician. Later they find that her doctor is home asleep, and a nurse’s son is sent to go wake him up…
Time to Push

The doctor is found, and soon Mom is pushing with all of her might. The baby’s head begins to crown.
Baby’s Arrival

A healthy baby is born with his hands up by his head.
First Moments with Mom

Baby is immediately handed to mom, who is overwhelmed with joy. And Mom gazes at her new son.
Baby’s First Care

An 8-pound 1 oz baby boy with APGARs of 9/9. And baby is given eye ointment, a warm hat, and is bundled up before being handed back to mom.
Daddy’s Special Moment

Daddy holds his boy.
The Two boys

Big brothers meet the new baby for the first time.