Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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A First-Time Mother’s Calm Home Birth

Content Warning: This page contains graphic images of childbirth, including sensitive and medically detailed photos. Viewer discretion is advised. These images are for educational purposes only and must not be reproduced, shared, or distributed without permission.

Homebirth with midwife…first baby.

Preparing for the Final Stage

The mother stands in the second stage, awaiting the next contraction. The father is sitting on the bed behind her, waiting to help support her as soon as the contraction begins.

As a contraction begins, the mother bends down into a deep squat while the father helps her support her weight on his legs.

Focusing Through Labor

Contraction ends, back to standing. The room is completely quiet, allowing the mother to focus entirely on what is happening. She later said how good it felt to be pushing.

Back into a squat. Small grunts can be heard breaking the silence as she follows her body’s strong urge to push.

Transitioning to the Bed

The mother gets onto the bed so she can push side-lying. She smiles briefly at the camera. The father remains by her side.

The mother reaches down and feels her baby’s head.

Assisting the Birth

The midwife applies hot compresses in an attempt to help the mother avoid tearing.

And the head is out! The father holds the mirror so the mother can see her baby’s head. The midwife holds the baby’s head cradled in her hand.

“We need this leg back and away so your baby can turn and the rest of the body can come out…”

The head turns while cradled in the midwife’s hands…turns from looking at the bed to looking at the mother’s left thigh.

Welcoming the Baby

The shoulders come free…and the baby is out!

The baby is placed on the mother’s thigh for a moment so that they can be covered by the father with a blanket.

The mother takes her baby and pulls him up to her chest while the midwife holds the umbilical cord between her legs to keep her from pulling on it.

Final Steps

The midwife checks her watch. “Mark the time!”

The midwife reaches down and grabs the umbilical cord to see if it’s still pulsing, waiting for it to stop before the father snips the last of the physical bonds connecting mother and baby.

After all the hardship, everything paid off, and a new member of the family was added.