Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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First-Time Mom Delivers with Her Sister as Doula

Content Warning: This page contains graphic images of childbirth, including sensitive and medically detailed photos. Viewer discretion is advised. These images are for educational purposes only and must not be reproduced, shared, or distributed without permission.

A first-time mom delivers at a birthing center with a doula (who is also her older sister).

Arriving at the Birth Center

Shortly after arriving at the birth center, the mother is sitting on the toilet, leaning onto the father while he comfortably sits on the birthing stool.

Working as a Team Through Labor

They are working well as a team, breathing through the active labor contractions.

Finding Comfort During Labor

A very happy mother labors comfortably on the birth ball while the father sits next to her, helping her through the contractions as they come.

Approaching Transition with Support

The mother and father nestle together on the birth bed as she approaches transition, holding tightly onto the warm rice sock placed around her lower belly by the doula.

Remaining Relaxed During Transition

The mother is in transition but relaxed, resting between the intense contractions.

Words of Encouragement from the Doula

“We’re almost there. Not much to go. You can do this. You are so strong.” The doula comforts the mother during her last contractions in transition.

The Moment Arrives: Baby Begins to Crown

It’s time! The baby begins to crown.

Pushing Through as Baby Emerges

The mother pushes hard as the baby’s head emerges some more.

Checking the Baby’s Heartbeat

Almost there! The midwife checks the baby’s heart tones one more time as the baby’s head is almost totally visible.

Fully Crowned: The Final Stretch

A close-up of a fully crowned baby. The mother stretches beautifully.

Birth: A New Life Begins

The nurse helps the mother lift the baby to her chest.

A Tearful Welcome: The Baby Has Arrived

The baby is here! “We did it!” The father is more than a bit teary-eyed…

A Special Discovery: It’s a Girl!

It’s a girl! A wonderful discovery. Due to all of the meconium, the nurse suctions just a tiny bit more.

The First Look: Meeting Their Daughter

The mother and father’s first real look at their new baby girl.

Cord Cutting and a Meaningful Moment for the Father

After waiting until the cord stops pulsating, the mother still tightly holds onto the baby as the father cuts the cord.

Proud but Exhausted Parents

Very proud but exhausted parents.

Delivering the Placenta

Here comes the placenta and the maternal side of the placenta.

Understanding the Womb as the Midwife Explains

The midwife holds up the membranes so that the mother can see how the baby fits inside.

A Family’s First Portrait Together

The parents pose as a brand-new family after the big event.

Sealed with a Kiss and a Moment of Love

Sealed with a kiss.

Celebrating with the Doula

The mother and doula, who is also her sister, with the new baby.

A Proud Father and His Daughter

A proud father and his little girl.

Aunt’s First Time Holding the Baby

She’s almost four hours old as her aunt rocks her for the first time.

Baby’s First Bath Before Heading Home

The nurse and father give the baby her first bath before leaving for home from the birth center.

A Final Snuggle Before Leaving

The mother snuggles the baby before leaving for home.

A Family Ready to Go Home

The whole family poses together before leaving for home.

First Night in the Crib

The baby tries out her new crib at home for the first time, one day after birth.

A Beautiful Moment as Baby Has the First Meal

Such a beautiful sight… the baby gets a yummy meal.