Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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Powerful All-Fours Birth for Second Baby

Content Warning: This page contains graphic images of childbirth, including sensitive and medically detailed photos. Viewer discretion is advised. These images are for educational purposes only and must not be reproduced, shared, or distributed without permission.

A mom has her second baby at home on all fours with her husband and the help of a midwife and doula.

Labor in the Bathtub

The midwife’s assistant presses on the mother’s back as she finds comfort laboring in the bathtub. Changing positions, even in the bathtub, helps labor move more quickly.

Support from Loved Ones

Sitting on a birth ball is a good way to get a hug from a doula as well as counter pressure on the back from the father.

Now it’s the father’s turn to get a hug from the mother.

Preparing for Pushing

As the mother prepares for push, the ball transforms from a chair to a useful learning tool.

The Birth Process

The mother pushes well, and the head very quickly begins to crown. The midwife helps slowly guide the head to prevent tearing.

The head is fully crowned, and the baby will be born soon!

The father talks to the mother as the midwife helps protect the mother’s perineum.

The father moves behind the mother so that he can see the baby being born.

Welcoming the Baby

The doula and the mother both use the mirror to watch the baby slip into the world.

The mother immediately rolls over and is handed her brand-new baby girl!

Bonding Moments

The baby opens her eyes and calmly looks around to say hi.

Ah yes… now THIS is what life is all about! A warm mother, yummy milk – life is good.

Post-Birth Care

After the baby eats, the midwife and father get a closer look at her. then the father finally cuts the cord.

The father weighs his daughter with the help of the midwife.

Big brother, who watched his sister’s birth, kisses her.