Birth Story Diaries

Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Birth

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Elective Cesarean Due to Baby’s Large Size

Content Warning: This page contains graphic images of childbirth, including sensitive and medically detailed photos. Viewer discretion is advised. These images are for educational purposes only and must not be reproduced, shared, or distributed without permission.

Mom chooses to have her second baby by elective cesarean at the recommendation of her physician due to the large size of the baby. Her first baby was also born via cesarean, making this a familiar but still significant experience. As the day arrives, the parents prepare to welcome their newest family member through a carefully planned surgical birth.

Preparing for Surgery

As the time for delivery approaches, Dad puts on his scrubs while the medical team prepares for the procedure. The first incision is made… the baby will be here very soon.

The Birth

The surgeon takes the baby’s head into his hands—you can see the head if you look closely. Pressure on the top of the uterus from the assistant helps the doctor get the baby’s head out of the incision.

Here she comes! A new baby girl is pulled into the world as she takes her first breaths.

First Moments

The baby is suctioned while her cord is clamped and cut. Then she is then taken over to the warmer and wiped off.

The nurse gives the baby her first bath, gently cleaning her before swaddling her in a warm blanket.

A beautiful 10-pound, 9-ounce baby girl who is 21.5 inches long sucks on her pacifier, already adjusting to her new world.

Bonding with Family

Mom nurses her daughter for the first time then afterward Dad cuddles her and smiles proudly.

Finally out of bed and sitting in a chair, mom nurses her baby again, enjoying their special bond.

Even though the mom is nursing, the dad also gives the baby a bottle while still in the hospital, sharing in the feeding experience.

Heading Home

A tired but happy mom takes her baby home, ready to start their new life together.